Pietro Bibolini (1943)

Technical details

IMO 527821
Type of Ship EC2-S-C1 (Liberty Ship)
Port of Registry Genova
Owner/Manager G.B. Bibolini, Genoa
Class Society RINA
Gross Tonnage 7.176
DWT 10.865
Size (m) 134,6 x 17,3
Year of Build 1943 December
Builder Oregon S.B. Co. – Portland USA
M/E Type Vertical triple expansion compound steam engine
Last Known Flag National Chinese (Taiwan)


LR/IMO Built Name Change Registered Owner Port
527821 1943 JOHN B.KENDRICK   U.S. Government Portland (USA)
527821 1943 PIETRO B. 1947 Giovanni B. Bibolini Genoa
527821 1943 PIETRO BIBOLINI 1948 Giovanni B. Bibolini Genoa
527821 1943 PIETRO BIBOLINI 1955 “Bibolini” Soc. di Nav. Genoa
527821 1943 EVER PROTECTOR 1963 First SS Co Ltd Keelung (Taiwan)

Costruita nel 1943 presso il cantiere Oregon S.B. Co. – Portland USA.

Demolita nel Maggio 1967 a Taiwan Kaohsiung.

The gift did not come without a few strings. Under the terms of the Merchant Ships Sales Act, any ship with a US Government mortgage had to be available for service in the event of war a transferrable obligation that led to some solemn, memorable moments. One such moment was recounted by Italian shipping patriarch Stefano Telesio, a founder of the Genoa-based Carboflotta Group. Upon the death of his father in 1952, 21-year-old Stefano and his two brothers inherited a 2/24 share in the Liberty ship Pietro Bibolini, which required the young shipowner make a special trip to the local American Consulate. “All owners had to declare that they would make their Liberty ships available to the US Government if needed”, Telesio recalled. “So I went to the American Consulate to stand in front of the American flag and swear on the Bible that my 2/24 of a Liberty would indeed be available. It was a very unusual moment – a small bit of our history that you don’t hear much about anymore, but still something that should not be forgotten.”